Pick and Place using Panda Arm (Team Project)

This project is a graded part of the module 'Robotic Sensing, Manipulation and Interaction' COMP0129 at UCL London. It is a team project done by 3 students. The goal of this project is to implement a pick and place task using Panda Arm. The task is divided into 3 parts:

  • MoveIt! - Pick and Place at given positions
  • Shape detection
  • Planning and Execution

The tasks description is detailed here.


How to build the package

This project is built on ROS 1 using ROS Noetic version. To build the project simply use catkin build cw_3_team_1

How to run the package

There are 3 task implemented on this code. To launch this package, simply use: roslaunch cw1_team_3 run_simulation.launch

To start one of the 3 task, call the service using /task 1, /task 2 or /task 3 like below: rosservice call /task 1 rosservice call /task 2 rosservice call /task 3

Total time to implement

  • Task 1: 6 hours
  • Task 2: 10 hours
  • Task 3: 20 hours

Team member contribution

Task 1 and Task 2:

  • Each person solved the tasks independently.
  • This was a good practice because it allowed us to compare different approaches.
  • After we each solved the tasks, we discussed our implementations and chose the best approach.

Task 3:

  • We worked together to complete Task 3.
  • Each person filled in any missing code blocks.
  • We tested the code for bugs and edge cases.
  • We discussed our findings and optimized the code as needed.

We each contributed equally to the project (33.33% each). We followed a workflow that involved solving Task 1 and Task 2 independently, discussing our implementations, and working together to complete Task 3. We tested the code for bugs and edge cases, and we discussed our findings and optimized the code as needed.




(The code has missing parts to prevent plagiarism.)