
Changing Language doesn't apply coherently

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I have my Language buttons in my footer. I use the languageContainer in my footer and on the main page. My MainLayout is like this:
<div class="main"> @Body </div> <Footer />

When clicking on a language button the footer changes language immediately but on the mainpage is still the old text. I also use Blazored.LocalStorage.ILocalStorageService to store which language was selected last. I check this in OnInitializedAsync of the MainLayout Component and set the language. Now if I reload the page after changing the language the mainpage has applied the change but the footer is in default language.

In short:
Default Lang: en

press "German" button in the footer:
footer is German
Mainpage still english

reload the page right after that:
footer is english
mainpage is German

How can i make the change cascade down to all content?

Hi thank you so much for reaching out
Regarding this it is related to how Blazor renders the components
To make a cascade rendering I highly recommend this article for Microsoft that shows you how to do that step by step


Did you solve this issue @Krackerer ?

amrsy commented

Hi thank you so much for reaching out
Regarding this it is related to how Blazor renders the components
To make a cascade rendering I highly recommend this article for Microsoft that shows you how to do that step by step


did not get it can you explain? @aksoftware98

This is issue has been solved in the latest release of the library and now you have a new library to solve that issue kindly check out the documentation and the following library
