
Seo and multilanguages

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Stonne commented

It seems to me that the google seo has a problem with the pages when using the LanguageContainerService.
I get duplicate pages issues. Is there a special way to add the


<meta name="description" content=@languageContainer.Keys["seoindex"]>
<meta name="keywords" content=@languageContainer.Keys["seoindexkey"]>

When i do a search on the issue the solutions semme to be to add the language to the url.. Anyone has a solution ?
Thanks already

He Stonne,

Thank you so much for using the MultiLanguages library, and sorry for the delayed response!

Can you provide more context about the problem? What do you see on Google exactly, and what Blazor hosting model you are using (WebAssembly or Server)?

Stonne commented

Blazor server. I'm a little of from wasm beacause of the latency. I allways get the comment that it takes too long to load...
About my issue. I presume the error is with the meta title in my pages. I think the google search console does not see the difference in languages of my pages (this is a guess) . I noticed when you search for this issue the proposed solution allways comes down to make an url like :
www.mysite/en/landing.razor or www.mysite/fr/landing.razor I tried to do that but I can not achieve this...

Okay, noted, I will investigate the same issue based on your description and the code snippets you provided at the top and then I will provide a fix or improve the docs to mention how to deal with localized data for the package.

Thank you so much for opening this issue and mentioning it