
Enhancement request: Markdown

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I wonder if there's a lightweight markdown js module that could be included with blinkot so that it's possible to have markdown as a data type. That would greatly enhance what you can squeeze into 1440 chars.

I'd like to say that I think blinkot is a marvelleous idea that I'd like to see catch on. Well done!

Good idea. I'm also fan of Markdown, so all the more motivated to include it in blinkot.

Keeping the file size small is a high priority (for it to potentially scale up in crazy ways), but I think using a conditional, async js include would fit the bill nicely. Nailing down the best way to do that could also open the door to lots of other content types.


Whew. That went together smoother than expected. :)

Just added Markdown, pushed changes to repo, and updated CDN (a.blinkot.com -- should show up in 15-30 min.).

Thanks again for the suggestion!

Edit: here's a simple test page for markdown in blinkot -- http://goo.gl/0avQW4

That's amazing, thanks for your swift reaction, I think that settles the issue. Do you mind if I close the ticket?

The code markup doesn't quite work, though. Your example above has ~~~ as code marker, while Daring Fireball uses three backticks.

This example uses three backticks: http://goo.gl/jooBqx And while text style has changed from proportional to monospace, indentation isn't preserved in neither case. I'm not sure whether this is a problem with the CSS or the markdown module.