
Replacement akvofoundation.org certificate

peeb opened this issue · 5 comments

peeb commented

To deploy new CartoDB capacity we need to support the following domain name pattern:


to support, for example, instance-x.cartodb.akvotest.org.

Please can we request that Comodo regenerate our certificate to include this?


@peeb I need a new csr file including all 16 domains & subdomains included originally plus the new domain to be added.
Cost is $156 for the additional domain

.akvotest.org is already added to the cert.
We cannot purchase *.

*.cartodb.akvotest.org & *.cartodb2.akvotest.org have been included in the cert.

peeb commented

Awesome thanks

peeb commented

This cert is now installed on cartodb2.akvotest.org and will be added to cartodb.akvotest.org shortly.

I will create a separate issue to add it to our general provisioning setup.

Closing this issue.