
Antd Component ( Select.Option, Form.Item, Menu.Item .eg) only render first child

zhaohongyan opened this issue · 5 comments

I have some antd component only render first child, for example:


only option1 has render, other options not render

Antd https://ant.design/index-cn

React in Vue - without the Vue plugin

This way is OK!

Use vuera/babel plugin has problem.

Dear zhaohongyan,

I encountered the same issue here (I hope to use the Select component from Antd in my Vue project). However, I tried to use Vuera without the Vue plugin, but still failed. Is it possible for you to post your solution code here? Thanks in advance!

webpack.config.js 里面去掉vuera/babel这个插件,使用另外一种方式引入Vue in React - without the Babel plugin

就是去掉vuera/babel后用Vuera的HOC API吗?
