
Attendance summary not working properly

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Dear Al, thanks a lot for your add-on. I'm using it for vitual classes in the Colombian Amazon. I now have 16 attendance reports of my class "Fundamentos de antropología" (see the file list in first screenshot). If I clcik "Show attendance summary" from the html of the last class (2020-10-28) and select all the 16 html, I get an empty summary with the title "Attendance Summary report for" (and no class name: see screenshot). It only works if I click "Show attendance summary" from the html of 2020-10-07, and the summary will only show 12 classes (see screenshot). For some reason the last four classes do not appear to work for the summary.
Thanks a lot,
Juan A.

Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 5 41 33 PM
Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 5 42 29 PM
Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 5 57 38 PM

@juanalvaroe Hi Juan, thanks for this report. This is a known issue, but is lower priority than some of the other issues which Al is presently working on. I know it's an inconvenience, but he will get to fixing the summary feature eventually. Keep an eye on the update descriptions, as I'm sure it will be mentioned there.