
Mixture Model Auto-Encoders: Deep Clustering through Dictionary Learning

Primary LanguagePython


The Mixture Model Auto-Encoders (MixMate) is a neural network architecture for clustering data that is derived from a generative model based on dictionary learning. Further details can be found in our preprint here.

Executing Code

This codebase contains the implementation of the model, supporting parallel computation and batch training. To run the code, execute the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/al5250/mixmate
cd mixmate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python trainv2.py

Viewing Results

All results will be logged in your outputs folder (if it does not exist, it will be created after running python trainv2.py the first time). Runs are logged according to the clocktime that they are executed. For example, to see a run executed on January 2nd, 2022 at 1:11 PM, execute

cd outputs
cd 2022-02-01
tensorboard --logdir .

The run will be stored as 13-01-11/lightning_logs/version_0. Through TensorBoard, our code logs many metrics, images (e.g. dictionary columns that are learned), and hyperparameters associated with each run.


Changing Experimental Settings

To play around with different experimental settings (e.g. datasets, hyperparameters) check out the configs/trainv2.yaml file. Our codebase is powered by Hydra. Editing this one config file is sufficient for reproducing all experiments in our paper. After saving the changes, simply execute python trainv2.py to see the new results in your outputs folder.

  • Running default config file: This reproduces the MNIST clustering experiments in Table 1 of our paper. You can run it multiple times to see results from multiple runs.
  • FashionMNIST and USPS results: Simply change the dataset.name attribute in the config file to reproduce the results in Table 1 for these datasets. USPS will also require setting mixmate.input_size: 30 and mixmate.sparse_penalty: 0.25 since its image are 3x smaller.
  • The effect of varying the sparsity penalty: Simply change the mixmate.sparse_penalty attribute for different values to re-create Figure 3 in the paper.
  • Missing data experiments: To see how MixMate can handle missing data according to the paper, simply set mixmate.erase_prob: 0.90 and mixmate.erase_frac: 0.25.
  • Training the prior probabilities/biases: Simply set mixmate.freeze_bias: False in the config. This does not have a significant impact on results for the datasets considered in the paper.
  • Different algorithms for initialization: Simply change the init_alg parameter in the config. Available options are kmeans, spectral, and ssc.

Navigating the Codebase

Our internal code is comprised of three main directories:

  • mixmate/datasets: This contains the implementation for pulling the datasets from PyTorch.
  • mixmate/ista: This contains the implementation of the fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA), optimized for parallel computation with several different dictionaries.
  • mixmate/mixture: This contains the implementation of our model in the modulev2.py file.

Additionally, the ssc.py file contains code for running SSC initialization for our method.


If this repository is useful for your work, please consider citing our paper:

  title={Mixture Model Auto-Encoders: Deep Clustering through Dictionary Learning},
  author={Lin, Alexander and Song, Andrew H and Ba, Demba},
  journal={IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing},