
Character Ghosting and misaligned inside Multiplexers with Lunarvim

Curricane opened this issue · 4 comments

Using alacritty + zellij + lunarvim, when using nvim-tree, the subdirectories are displayed, residual characters will appear, and the boundaries of nvim-tree will be misaligned


Windows 11 22H2 22621.3374
alacritty version: 0.13.2

zellij version: 0.40.0
nvim version: 0.9.5
lunarvim version: release-1.3/neovim-0.9-d1c1bace




issues 7758 may had same problem.


alacritty + tmux + lunarvim have the similar problem

alacritty + zellij + nvcard nvim without the problem of ghosting but still have character misaligned problem

my alacritty config is

TERM = "xterm-256color"

decorations = "Buttonless"  # Default: "Full"

multiplier = 1  # Default: 3

normal = { family = "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font Mono", style = "Regular" }  # Default for Linux/BSD: "monospace", Regular
bold = { family = "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font Mono", style = "Bold" }  # Inherits family from normal, Default style: Bold
italic = { family = "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font Mono", style = "Italic" }  # Inherits family from normal, Default style: Italic
bold_italic = { family = "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font Mono", style = "Bold Italic" }  # Inherits family from normal, Default style: Bold Italic
#size = 12  # Default: 11.25
offset = { x = 0, y = 0 }  # Default: x = 0, y = 0
glyph_offset = { x = 0, y = 0 }  # Default: x = 0, y = 0

# Use built-in font for box drawing characters
builtin_box_drawing = true  # Default: true

# Characters that are used as separators for "semantic words" in Alacritty
semantic_escape_chars = ",│`|:\"' ()[]{}<>\\t"  # Default: ",│`|:\"' ()[]{}<>\\t"

# When set to true, selected text will be copied to the primary clipboard
save_to_clipboard = false  # Default: false


# Cursor style
style = { shape = "Block", blinking = "On" }  # Default: shape = "Block", blinking = "Off"

# Time after which cursor stops blinking, in seconds
blink_timeout = 0  # Default: 5

# Controls the OSC 52 behavior for clipboard interactions
osc52 = "CopyPaste"  # Default: "OnlyCopy"

If it doesn't happen outside of multiplexers, it's probably not an Alacritty issue.

Yes, it doesn't happen outside of multiplexers, but it also not happen inside of multiplexers in windows Terminal.

Of course I haven't tested it on more terminals, I just know for sure that using it on alacttry will be problematic.

I asked chatgpt 4 and it told me it might be the character set or the font settings. I've tried switching to a Nerd Font with the same font size as windows Terminal's, but I've had this issue for a long time. I hope you experienced people can help me. Alacttry I think it's good, but I also need zellij or tmux

Windows Terminal uses a custom ConPTY because their stuff is broken.

I asked chatgpt 4 and it told me it might be the character set or the font settings.

That's because it has no fucking clue what you're talking about and just answers some random text that seems related.