
[macOS] Not rendering Korean characters in the file title properly if created with GUI apps

kimminss0 opened this issue · 2 comments

The title of a file created via CLI containing Korean characters is rendered without problem.

However, if I create a file with GUI applications (e.g., it does not render properly. The default behaves as expected.

Creation via CLI:

Creation with GUI app (

Note: I have tested with other terminal (Iterm2) and it didn't work too.


OS: macOS (Sonoma 14.4.1)
Version: 0.13.2 (bb8ea18)


[0.000002417s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Welcome to Alacritty
[0.000190667s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Version 0.13.2 (bb8ea18)
[0.000293750s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Configuration files loaded from:
[0.000591667s] [DEBUG] [alacritty] Using environment locale: en_US.UTF-8
[0.023777875s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Using Apple CGL
[0.032117208s] [DEBUG] [alacritty] Picked GL Config:
                                     buffer_type: Some(Rgb { r_size: 8, g_size: 8, b_size: 8 })
                                     alpha_size: 8
                                     num_samples: 0
                                     hardware_accelerated: true
                                     supports_transparency: Some(true)
                                     config_api: Api(OPENGL)
                                     srgb_capable: true
[0.049707583s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Window scale factor: 2
[0.050623417s] [DEBUG] [alacritty] Loading "Menlo" font
[0.076084417s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Running on Apple M2
[0.076101375s] [INFO ] [alacritty] OpenGL version 4.1 Metal - 88, shader_version 4.10
[0.076113583s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Using OpenGL 3.3 renderer
[0.079298625s] [DEBUG] [alacritty] Filling glyph cache with common glyphs
[0.085336708s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Cell size: 13 x 26
[0.085350958s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Padding: 0 x 0
[0.085361042s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Width: 1600, Height: 1200
[0.098505250s] [INFO ] [alacritty] PTY dimensions: 46 x 123
[0.099954375s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Initialisation complete
2024-05-04 11:21:02.711 alacritty[82092:5008801] TSM AdjustCapsLockLEDForKeyTransitionHandling - _ISSetPhysicalKeyboardCapsLockLED Inhibit

It might be helpful that:
Unicode on macOS uses NFD(Normalization Form Canonical Decomposition) while others (Linux, Windows, *BSD, etc.) uses NFC(Normalization Form Canonical Composition).

See Also:

We don't do any normalization, so it's expected more or less, because things are shown as is.