
App crashes on start up with `shell.program` set but works from terminal

mhfs opened this issue · 6 comments

mhfs commented

Hello there, first of all thanks for the amazing app.

I'm trying to setup Alacritty to to lauch tmux on startup.

These launch methods work:

alacritty -e /bin/zsh -l -c tmux

Launching the app from Alfred, LaunchPad or Finder does not work. The app blinks and goes away without any output.


OS: macOS (installed via Homebrew)
Version: alacritty 0.13.2 (bb8ea18)

Config File:

Here's the entirety of my config file at ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml.

program = "/bin/zsh"
args = ["-l", "-c", "tmux"]


Font/Terminal size: alacritty -vv

~ ❯ alacritty -vv
Created log file at "/var/folders/1r/qrr3jk693sbftzfh196rvcmr0000gp/T/Alacritty-51536.log"
[0.000040584s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Welcome to Alacritty
[0.000665834s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Version 0.13.2 (bb8ea18)
[0.002860042s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Configuration files loaded from:
[0.003426834s] [DEBUG] [alacritty] Using environment locale: C/UTF-8/C/C/C/C
[0.027629667s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Using Apple CGL
[0.039486959s] [DEBUG] [alacritty] Picked GL Config:
                                     buffer_type: Some(Rgb { r_size: 8, g_size: 8, b_size: 8 })
                                     alpha_size: 8
                                     num_samples: 0
                                     hardware_accelerated: true
                                     supports_transparency: Some(true)
                                     config_api: Api(OPENGL)
                                     srgb_capable: true
[0.059067917s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Window scale factor: 2
[0.060354084s] [DEBUG] [alacritty] Loading "Menlo" font
[0.119202834s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Running on Apple M1 Pro
[0.119243709s] [INFO ] [alacritty] OpenGL version 4.1 Metal - 88, shader_version 4.10
[0.119377292s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Using OpenGL 3.3 renderer
[0.123326584s] [DEBUG] [alacritty] Filling glyph cache with common glyphs
[0.131058000s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Cell size: 13 x 26
[0.131113959s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Padding: 0 x 0
[0.131125375s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Width: 1600, Height: 1200
[0.140899709s] [INFO ] [alacritty] PTY dimensions: 46 x 123
[0.147042750s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Initialisation complete
[0.231507834s] [DEBUG] [alacritty_terminal] Ignoring unknown mode 7727 in set_private_mode
[0.231560875s] [DEBUG] [alacritty_terminal] Ignoring unknown mode 7727 in set_private_mode
[2.793636167s] [DEBUG] [alacritty_terminal] Ignoring unknown mode 7727 in unset_private_mode
[2.833852084s] [INFO ] [alacritty] Goodbye
Deleted log file at "/var/folders/1r/qrr3jk693sbftzfh196rvcmr0000gp/T/Alacritty-51536.log"

All output matching alacritty in Console app when trying to launch:

default	10:49:36.071897-0300	runningboardd	Launch request for app<>[0] is using uid 502 (divined from auid 502 euid 502)
default	10:49:36.071981-0300	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting app<> from originator [app<>:1477] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "LS launch org.alacritty" ID:582-1477-2986336 target:app<> attributes:[
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"LaunchRoleUserInteractive" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">
default	10:49:36.072053-0300	runningboardd	Assertion 582-1477-2986336 (target:app<>) will be created as active
default	10:49:36.072285-0300	runningboardd	Executing launch request for app<> (LS launch org.alacritty)
default	10:49:36.072305-0300	runningboardd	Checking PreventLaunch: global:0 exPath:/Applications/ predicates:(null) allow:(null)
default	10:49:36.072438-0300	runningboardd	Creating and launching job for: app<>
default	10:49:36.072603-0300	runningboardd	_mutateContextIfNeeded called for org.alacritty
default	10:49:36.072910-0300	runningboardd	app<>: -[RBPersonaManager personaForIdentity:context:personaUID:personaUniqueString:] required 0.000000 ms (wallclock); resolved to {4294967295, (null)}
default	10:49:36.073075-0300	runningboardd	'app<>' Constructed job description:
<dictionary: 0x11f677c50> { count = 23, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
	"Platform" => <int64: 0x879c2c810215bcb7>: 1
	"ProcessType" => <string: 0x11f6b8d40> { length = 3, contents = "App" }
	"EnableTransactions" => <bool: 0x1e1d097a0>: false
	"_ManagedBy" => <string: 0x11f60f610> { length = 22, contents = "" }
	"CFBundleIdentifier" => <string: 0x11f6719b0> { length = 13, contents = "org.alacritty" }
	"_ResourceCoalition" => <string: 0x11f6b2700> { length = 53, contents = "app<>" }
	"_DisablePointerAuth" => <bool: 0x1e1d09780>: true
	"ThrottleInterval" => <int64: 0x879c2c82fdea4347>: 2147483647
	"MachServices" => <dictionary: 0x11f6c5260> { count = 0, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
	"EnablePressuredExit" => <bool: 0x1e1d097a0>: false
	"LimitLoadToSessionType" => <array: 0x11f627060> { count = 2, capacity = 8, contents =
		0: <string: 0x11f6d81d0> { length = 4, contents = "Aqua" }
		1: <string: 0x11f61a300> { length = 11, contents = "LoginWindow" }
	"InitialTaskRole" => <int64: 0x879c2c810215bcaf>: 2
	"EnvironmentVariables" => <dictionary: 0x11f66a840> { count = 14, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
		"__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING" => <string: 0x11f66bdd0> { length = 13, contents = "0x1F6:0x0:0x0" }
		"LaunchInstanceID" => <string: 0x11f6bf530> { length = 36, contents = "B6984AC8-6811-4D05-A3E0-0D5B49CAF3F3" }
		"TMPDIR" => <string: 0x11f621620> { length = 49, contents = "/var/folders/1r/qrr3jk693sbftzfh196rvcmr0000gp/T/" }
		"SHELL" => <string: 0x11f645f30> { length = 8, contents = "/bin/zsh" }
		"HOME" => <string: 0x11f63bc90> { length = 11, contents = "/Users/mhfs" }
		"SSH_AUTH_SOCK" => <string: 0x11f652f30> { length = 51, contents = "/private/tmp/" }
		"LOGNAME" => <string: 0x11f64a930> { length = 4, contents = "mhfs" }
		"PATH" => <string: 0x11f658f40> { length = 29, contents = "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" }
		"XPC_SERVICE_NAME" => <string: 0x11f65d120> { length = 59, contents = "" }
		"__CFBundleIdentifier" => <string: 0x11f6d9410> { length = 13, contents = "org.alacritty" }
		"COMMAND_MODE" => <string: 0x11f6abe90> { length = 8, contents = "unix2003" }
		"SECURITYSESSIONID" => <string: 0x11f680720> { length = 5, contents = "186ac" }
		"USER" => <string: 0x11f6bc4d0> { length = 4, contents = "mhfs" }
		"XPC_FLAGS" => <string: 0x11f6a8d00> { length = 3, contents = "0x0" }
	"_AdditionalProperties" => <dictionary: 0x11f6650b0> { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
		"RunningBoard" => <dictionary: 0x11f67a6d0> { count = 4, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
			"TMPDIR" => <string: 0x11f624060> { length = 49, contents = "/var/folders/1r/qrr3jk693sbftzfh196rvcmr0000gp/T/" }
			"HOME" => <string: 0x11f63fcd0> { length = 11, contents = "/Users/mhfs" }
			"RunningBoardLaunchedIdentity" => <dictionary: 0x11f633f60> { count = 5, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
				"AJL" => <string: 0x11f6b6b10> { length = 43, contents = "" }
				"TYPE" => <int64: 0x879c2c810215bcb7>: 1
				"AUID" => <uint64: 0x871c2c810215b30f>: 502
				"EAI" => <string: 0x11f620540> { length = 13, contents = "org.alacritty" }
				"PLAT" => <uint64: 0x871c2c810215bcb7>: 1
			"RunningBoardLaunched" => <bool: 0x1e1d09780>: true
	"ExitTimeOut" => <int64: 0x879c2c810215bcb7>: 1
	"Label" => <string: 0x11f6a18e0> { length = 43, contents = "" }
	"WaitForDebugger" => <bool: 0x1e1d09780>: true
	"MaterializeDatalessFiles" => <bool: 0x1e1d09780>: true
	"WorkingDirectory" => <string: 0x11f6bbb30> { length = 1, contents = "/" }
	"_LaunchType" => <int64: 0x879c2c810215bca7>: 3
	"AbandonProcessGroup" => <bool: 0x1e1d09780>: true
	"ProgramArguments" => <array: 0x11f641450> { count = 1, capacity = 8, contents =
		0: <string: 0x11f6457b0> { length = 52, contents = "/Applications/" }
	"Program" => <string: 0x11f6196c0> { length = 52, contents = "/Applications/" }
default	10:49:36.085973-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Memory Limits: active 0 inactive 0
default	10:49:36.086030-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] This process will not be managed.
default	10:49:36.086062-0300	runningboardd	Now tracking process: [app<>:51709]
default	10:49:36.086347-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractive)
default	10:49:36.086946-0300	runningboardd	Using default underlying assertion for app: [app<>:51709]
default	10:49:36.087033-0300	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:51709] from originator [app<>:51709] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "RB Underlying Assertion" ID:582-582-2986337 target:51709 attributes:[
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"defaultUnderlyingAppAssertion" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
	<RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute| policy:AfterApplication>
default	10:49:36.087167-0300	runningboardd	Assertion 582-582-2986337 (target:[app<>:51709]) will be created as active
default	10:49:36.087341-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.087367-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default	10:49:36.087513-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Set darwin role to: UserInteractive
default	10:49:36.087702-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default	10:49:36.087635-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] reported to RB as running
default	10:49:36.087919-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.088501-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractive)
default	10:49:36.089247-0300	gamepolicyd	Hit the server for a process handle 1e54e25c0000c9fd that resolved to: [app<>:51709]
default	10:49:36.089303-0300	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 51709 (app<>, running-active-NotVisible
default	10:49:36.090425-0300	Alfred	LAUNCH: 0x0-0xa8b18a7 org.alacritty starting stopped process.
default	10:49:36.090568-0300	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:51709] from originator [osservice<>:550] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "foregroundApp:51709" ID:582-550-2986338 target:51709 attributes:[
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"RoleUserInteractiveNonFocal" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">
default	10:49:36.090858-0300	runningboardd	Assertion 582-550-2986338 (target:[app<>:51709]) will be created as active
default	10:49:36.092082-0300	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 582-1477-2986336 (target:app<>) from originator [app<>:1477]
default	10:49:36.092152-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractive)
default	10:49:36.094537-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.094558-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default	10:49:36.094574-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default	10:49:36.095293-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.095324-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.095343-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default	10:49:36.095362-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default	10:49:36.095382-0300	runningboardd	Successfully acquired underlying assertion for [app<>:51709]
default	10:49:36.095633-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.105496-0300	distnoted	register name: object: token: 3bb00000039 pid: 72904
default	10:49:36.106122-0300	loginwindow	-[PersistentAppsSupport applicationReady:] | App: Alacritty, ready, updating active tracking timer
default	10:49:36.106153-0300	loginwindow	-[ApplicationManager checkInAppContext:eventData:] | ApplicationManager: Checked in app : Alacritty
default	10:49:36.107840-0300	alacritty	[0x60000234c000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.107978-0300	alacritty	[0x60000234c0f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.110734-0300	alacritty	[0x60000234c1e0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.115691-0300	alacritty	[0x60000234c2d0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.116552-0300	tccd	AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=51709.1, attribution={requesting={TCCDProcess: identifier=org.alacritty, pid=51709, auid=502, euid=502, binary_path=/Applications/}, },
default	10:49:36.117003-0300	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 51709 (app<>, running-active-NotVisible
default	10:49:36.120238-0300	tccd	AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=51709.1, subject=org.alacritty,
default	10:49:36.122721-0300	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier org.alacritty, type: 0: 0x14766b930 at /Applications/
default	10:49:36.124191-0300	alacritty	[0x60000234c2d0] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default	10:49:36.124411-0300	alacritty	server port 0x00003d07, session port 0x00003d07
default	10:49:36.125171-0300	tccd	AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=577.27443, attribution={accessing={TCCDProcess: identifier=org.alacritty, pid=51709, auid=502, euid=502, binary_path=/Applications/}, requesting={TCCDProcess:, pid=577, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer}, },
default	10:49:36.125212-0300	tccd	requestor: TCCDProcess:, pid=577, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer is checking access for accessor TCCDProcess: identifier=org.alacritty, pid=51709, auid=502, euid=502, binary_path=/Applications/
default	10:49:36.126904-0300	tccd	AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=577.27443, subject=org.alacritty,
default	10:49:36.128737-0300	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier org.alacritty, type: 0: 0x14766b930 at /Applications/
default	10:49:36.133289-0300	alacritty	[0x6000023400f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.133904-0300	alacritty	[0x6000023402d0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.135250-0300	alacritty	New connection 0x139c0f main
default	10:49:36.137367-0300	alacritty	CHECKIN: pid=51709
default	10:49:36.137515-0300	alacritty	Received configuration update from daemon (initial)
default	10:49:36.140619-0300	launchservicesd	CHECKIN:0x0-0xa8b18a7 51709 org.alacritty
default	10:49:36.140752-0300	alacritty	CHECKEDIN: pid=51709 asn=0x0-0xa8b18a7 foreground=1
default	10:49:36.140815-0300	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:51709] from originator [osservice<>:550] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "foregroundApp:51709" ID:582-550-2986339 target:51709 attributes:[
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"RoleUserInteractiveNonFocal" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">
default	10:49:36.140886-0300	runningboardd	Assertion 582-550-2986339 (target:[app<>:51709]) will be created as active
default	10:49:36.140959-0300	alacritty	[0x12c8043f0] activating connection: mach=false listener=true peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	10:49:36.141124-0300	alacritty	[0x12c904080] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true
default	10:49:36.141212-0300	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 582-550-2986338 (target:[app<>:51709]) from originator [osservice<>:550]
default	10:49:36.142052-0300	loginwindow	-[ApplicationManager checkInAppContext:eventData:] | ApplicationManager: Checked in app : Alacritty
default	10:49:36.142343-0300	alacritty	FRONTLOGGING: version 1
default	10:49:36.142379-0300	alacritty	Registered, pid=51709 ASN=0x0,0xa8b18a7
default	10:49:36.142823-0300	alacritty	[0x12ca04080] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.144520-0300	alacritty	BringForward: pid=51709 asn=0x0-0xa8b18a7 bringForward=1 foreground=1 uiElement=0 launchedByLS=1 modifiersCount=1 allDisabled=0
default	10:49:36.144545-0300	alacritty	BringFrontModifier: pid=51709 asn=0x0-0xa8b18a7 Modifier 0 hideAfter=0 hideOthers=0 dontMakeFrontmost=0 mouseDown=0/0 seed=0/0
default	10:49:36.144557-0300	alacritty	BringForward: pid=51709 asn=0x0-0xa8b18a7
default	10:49:36.144627-0300	alacritty	SetFrontProcess: asn=0x0-0xa8b18a7 options=0
default	10:49:36.145802-0300	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:51709] from originator [osservice<>:550] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "frontmost:51709" ID:582-550-2986340 target:51709 attributes:[
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"RoleUserInteractiveFocal" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">
default	10:49:36.145870-0300	runningboardd	Assertion 582-550-2986340 (target:[app<>:51709]) will be created as active
default	10:49:36.146341-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.146425-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default	10:49:36.146595-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal
default	10:49:36.146735-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default	10:49:36.147063-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.147399-0300	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:51709] from originator [osservice<>:577] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "FUSBFrontmostProcess" ID:582-577-2986341 target:51709 attributes:[
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"Frontmost" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
	<RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute| policy:AfterApplication>
default	10:49:36.147464-0300	runningboardd	Assertion 582-577-2986341 (target:[app<>:51709]) will be created as active
default	10:49:36.148622-0300	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:51709] from originator [osservice<>:550] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "notification:51709" ID:582-550-2986342 target:51709 attributes:[
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"LSNotification" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">
default	10:49:36.148660-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.148674-0300	runningboardd	Assertion 582-550-2986342 (target:[app<>:51709]) will be created as active
default	10:49:36.146461-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal)
default	10:49:36.148678-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default	10:49:36.149311-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default	10:49:36.149399-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal)
default	10:49:36.149518-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.149585-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] visiblity is yes
default	10:49:36.149672-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.149691-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default	10:49:36.149807-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default	10:49:36.149890-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal)
default	10:49:36.149976-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.151248-0300	alacritty	Current system appearance, (HLTB: 1), (SLS: 0)
default	10:49:36.152956-0300	alacritty	No persisted cache on this platform.
default	10:49:36.154010-0300	alacritty	Current system appearance, (HLTB: 1), (SLS: 0)
default	10:49:36.154485-0300	alacritty	Post-registration system appearance: (HLTB: 1)
default	10:49:36.156126-0300	kernel	Sandbox: ContextStoreAgent(49257) allow file-read-data /Applications/
default	10:49:36.156187-0300	kernel	Sandbox: ContextStoreAgent(49257) allow file-read-data /Applications/
default	10:49:36.156219-0300	kernel	Sandbox: ContextStoreAgent(49257) allow file-read-data /Applications/
default	10:49:36.157286-0300	logioptionsplus_agent	application did active:: NSConcreteNotification 0x600001c441c0 {name = NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification; object = <NSWorkspace: 0x600001ba4900>; userInfo = {
    NSWorkspaceApplicationKey = "<NSRunningApplication: 0x60001349c480 (org.alacritty - 51709) LSASN:{hi=0x0;lo=0xa8b18a7}>";
default	10:49:36.160295-0300	kernel	Sandbox: ContextStoreAgent(49257) allow file-read-data /Applications/
default	10:49:36.161849-0300	kernel	Sandbox: ContextStoreAgent(49257) allow file-read-data /Applications/
default	10:49:36.162058-0300	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 51709 (app<>, running-active-NotVisible
default	10:49:36.161812-0300	distnoted	register name: object: org.alacritty token: 1c00000023 pid: 51709
default	10:49:36.162509-0300	kernel	1 duplicate report for Sandbox: ContextStoreAgent(49257) allow file-read-data /Applications/
default	10:49:36.162517-0300	kernel	Sandbox: ContextStoreAgent(49257) allow file-read-xattr /Applications/
default	10:49:36.162805-0300	kernel	Sandbox: ContextStoreAgent(49257) allow file-read-data /Applications/
default	10:49:36.171432-0300	alacritty	[0x600002358000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.172597-0300	alacritty	Registering for test daemon availability notify post.
default	10:49:36.172713-0300	alacritty	notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready.
default	10:49:36.172801-0300	alacritty	notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready.
default	10:49:36.172873-0300	alacritty	notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready.
default	10:49:36.180275-0300	alacritty	NSApp cache appearance:
-NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance: 0
-appearance: (null)
-effectiveAppearance: <NSCompositeAppearance: 0x60000324d100
    "<NSAquaAppearance: 0x60000324db00>",
    "<NSSystemAppearance: 0x600003258480>"
default	10:49:36.187609-0300	distnoted	register name: object: org.alacritty token: 210000001e pid: 51709
default	10:49:36.190324-0300	alacritty	[0x6000023580f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.194751-0300	alacritty	[0x600002058d00] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.201009-0300	alacritty	[0x6000023441e0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.201755-0300	alacritty	SignalReady: pid=51709 asn=0x0-0xa8b18a7
default	10:49:36.202594-0300	alacritty	SIGNAL: pid=51709 asn=0x0x-0xa8b18a7
default	10:49:36.203493-0300	loginwindow	-[PersistentAppsSupport applicationReady:] | App: Alacritty, ready, updating active tracking timer
default	10:49:36.206669-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.206711-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default	10:49:36.206757-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default	10:49:36.206809-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal)
default	10:49:36.206995-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.218415-0300	alacritty	Initializing connection
default	10:49:36.218449-0300	alacritty	Removing all cached process handles
default	10:49:36.218471-0300	alacritty	Sending handshake request attempt #1 to server
default	10:49:36.218487-0300	alacritty	Creating connection to
default	10:49:36.218499-0300	alacritty	[0x6000023581e0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.218971-0300	runningboardd	Setting client for [app<>:51709] as ready
default	10:49:36.219089-0300	runningboardd	Process: [app<>:51709]: Sending inheritance changeset: <RBSInheritanceChangeSet| gained:{(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-577-2986341 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986339 0>
)} lost:{(
default	10:49:36.219300-0300	alacritty	Gained inheritances: {(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-577-2986341 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986339 0>
default	10:49:36.219341-0300	alacritty	Handshake succeeded
default	10:49:36.219355-0300	alacritty	Identity resolved as app<>
default	10:49:36.219544-0300	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:51709] from originator [app<>:51709] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "AppNap adapter assertion" ID:582-51709-2986343 target:51709 attributes:[
	<RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute| policy:AfterApplication>,
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"Enable" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"Inactive" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"PreventDiskThrottle" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"PreventSuppressedCPU" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"PreventLowPriorirtyCPU" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"PreventBackgroundSockets" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"PreventTimerThrottleTier0" sourceEnvironment:"(null)"><…>
default	10:49:36.219638-0300	runningboardd	Assertion 582-51709-2986343 (target:[app<>:51709]) will be created as active
default	10:49:36.220000-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal)
default	10:49:36.220041-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.220057-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default	10:49:36.220071-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default	10:49:36.220093-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.220125-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Set AppNap state: <RBMutableProcessAppNapState|0x10f64c5e0 enabled:Y active:N socket:N disk:N priority:N cpu:N timer:Tier0>
default	10:49:36.220190-0300	runningboardd	Process: [app<>:51709] has changes in inheritances: {(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-577-2986341 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986339 0>
default	10:49:36.221050-0300	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 51709 (app<>, running-active-NotVisible
default	10:49:36.221803-0300	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier org.alacritty, type: 0: 0x14766b930 at /Applications/
default	10:49:36.223133-0300	alacritty	[0x6000023582d0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.223217-0300	alacritty	[0x6000023582d0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	10:49:36.234644-0300	alacritty	[0x600002344e10] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.249183-0300	alacritty	[0x12a7073c0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.250022-0300	WindowManager	Connection activated | (51709) Alacritty
error	10:49:36.285367-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glColorP3ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.285417-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glColorP3uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.285445-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glColorP4ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.285480-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glColorP4uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286102-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageCallback in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286123-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageCallbackARB in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286145-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageCallbackKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286173-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageCallbackKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286204-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageControl in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286225-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageControlARB in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286251-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageControlKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286286-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageControlKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286322-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageInsert in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286396-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageInsertARB in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286443-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageInsertKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.286470-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glDebugMessageInsertKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.288695-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glGetDebugMessageLog in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.288714-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glGetDebugMessageLogARB in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.288734-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glGetDebugMessageLogKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.288779-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glGetDebugMessageLogKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.289189-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glGetObjectLabel in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.289222-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glGetObjectLabelKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.289252-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glGetObjectLabelKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.289305-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glGetObjectPtrLabel in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.289326-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.289386-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.289441-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glGetPointervKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291397-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glMultiTexCoordP1ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291448-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glMultiTexCoordP1uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291474-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glMultiTexCoordP2ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291502-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glMultiTexCoordP2uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291523-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glMultiTexCoordP3ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291548-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glMultiTexCoordP3uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291595-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glMultiTexCoordP4ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291644-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glMultiTexCoordP4uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291671-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glNormalP3ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291699-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glNormalP3uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291724-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glObjectLabel in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291752-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glObjectLabelKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291781-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glObjectLabelKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291805-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glObjectPtrLabel in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291832-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glObjectPtrLabelKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.291874-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glObjectPtrLabelKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.292272-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glPopDebugGroup in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.292314-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glPopDebugGroupKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.292339-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glPopDebugGroupKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.292450-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glPushDebugGroup in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.292495-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glPushDebugGroupKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.292535-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glPushDebugGroupKHR in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.293118-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glSecondaryColorP3ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.293159-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glSecondaryColorP3uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.293504-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glTexCoordP1ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.293533-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glTexCoordP1uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.293560-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glTexCoordP2ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.293600-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glTexCoordP2uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.293649-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glTexCoordP3ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.293677-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glTexCoordP3uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.293715-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glTexCoordP4ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.293786-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glTexCoordP4uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.297909-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glVertexP2ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.297930-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glVertexP2uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.297955-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glVertexP3ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.297993-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glVertexP3uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.298069-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glVertexP4ui in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.298094-0300	alacritty	dlsym cannot find symbol glVertexP4uiv in CFBundle 0x600002553720 </System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework> (framework, loaded): <private>
error	10:49:36.309575-0300	alacritty	flock failed to lock list file (<private>): errno = 35
default	10:49:36.317037-0300	alacritty	order window front conditionally: 21d33 related: 0
default	10:49:36.336402-0300	alacritty	[0x60000235c000] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.338768-0300	alacritty	[0x12c9043d0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	10:49:36.339698-0300	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:51709] from originator [osservice<>:577] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "AppDrawing" ID:582-577-2986344 target:51709 attributes:[
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"AppDrawing" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
	<RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute| policy:AfterApplication>
default	10:49:36.339230-0300	alacritty	[0x12a70e160] activating connection: mach=false listener=true peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	10:49:36.339847-0300	alacritty	[0x6000023540f0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.339919-0300	runningboardd	Assertion 582-577-2986344 (target:[app<>:51709]) will be created as active
default	10:49:36.340163-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.340178-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default	10:49:36.340193-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default	10:49:36.340338-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.340233-0300	alacritty	[0x6000023540f0] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default	10:49:36.340460-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal)
default	10:49:36.340539-0300	alacritty	[0x60000235c000] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default	10:49:36.340676-0300	runningboardd	Process: [app<>:51709] has changes in inheritances: {(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-577-2986341 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986339 0>
default	10:49:36.341248-0300	alacritty	[0x13b9068a0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	10:49:36.341296-0300	alacritty	[0x600002345860] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false
default	10:49:36.341497-0300	alacritty	[0x12c8c5030] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	10:49:36.341620-0300	alacritty	[0x600002345860] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default	10:49:36.343777-0300	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:51709] from originator [osservice<>:577] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "AppVisible" ID:582-577-2986345 target:51709 attributes:[
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"AppVisible" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
	<RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute| policy:AfterApplication>
default	10:49:36.343839-0300	runningboardd	Assertion 582-577-2986345 (target:[app<>:51709]) will be created as active
default	10:49:36.344341-0300	alacritty	[0x60000235c000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
error	10:49:36.344811-0300	tccd	TCCDProcess: identifier=org.alacritty, pid=51709, auid=502, euid=502, binary_path=/Applications/ attempted to call TCCAccessRequest for kTCCServiceAccessibility without the recommended entitlement
default	10:49:36.344728-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.344779-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal)
default	10:49:36.344926-0300	tccd	AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=51709.2, attribution={accessing={TCCDProcess: identifier=com.grammarly.ProjectLlama, pid=17294, auid=502, euid=502, binary_path=/Applications/Grammarly Desktop}, requesting={TCCDProcess: identifier=org.alacritty, pid=51709, auid=502, euid=502, binary_path=/Applications/}, },
default	10:49:36.344775-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default	10:49:36.344927-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default	10:49:36.345197-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.345271-0300	runningboardd	Process: [app<>:51709] has changes in inheritances: {(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-577-2986341 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986339 0>
default	10:49:36.347518-0300	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 51709 (app<>, running-active-NotVisible
default	10:49:36.349991-0300	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 51709 (app<>, running-active-NotVisible
default	10:49:36.371700-0300	alacritty	[0x60000235c000] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default	10:49:36.372996-0300	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:51709] from originator [osservice<>:577] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "FUSBProcessWindowState: visible" ID:582-577-2986346 target:51709 attributes:[
	<RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"Visible" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">,
	<RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute| policy:AfterApplication>
default	10:49:36.373064-0300	runningboardd	Assertion 582-577-2986346 (target:[app<>:51709]) will be created as active
default	10:49:36.373631-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.373648-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal)
default	10:49:36.373693-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed
default	10:49:36.373730-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed
default	10:49:36.373857-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed
default	10:49:36.373951-0300	runningboardd	Process: [app<>:51709] has changes in inheritances: {(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986340 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-577-2986341 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-550-2986339 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-577-2986346 0>
default	10:49:36.374051-0300	runningboardd	Process: [app<>:51709]: Sending inheritance changeset: <RBSInheritanceChangeSet| gained:{(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-577-2986346 0>
)} lost:{(
default	10:49:36.374325-0300	alacritty	Gained inheritances: {(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:582-577-2986346 0>
default	10:49:36.374525-0300	alacritty	window WinitWindow 21d33 finishing close
default	10:49:36.374953-0300	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 51709 (app<>, running-active-NotVisible
default	10:49:36.376713-0300	tccd	AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=577.27444, attribution={accessing={TCCDProcess: identifier=org.alacritty, pid=51709, auid=502, euid=502, binary_path=/Applications/}, requesting={TCCDProcess:, pid=577, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer}, },
default	10:49:36.376740-0300	tccd	requestor: TCCDProcess:, pid=577, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer is checking access for accessor TCCDProcess: identifier=org.alacritty, pid=51709, auid=502, euid=502, binary_path=/Applications/
default	10:49:36.377779-0300	tccd	AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=577.27444, subject=org.alacritty,
default	10:49:36.378581-0300	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier org.alacritty, type: 0: 0x1489a5dd0 at /Applications/
default	10:49:36.385133-0300	alacritty	order window: 21d33 op: 0 relative: 0 related: 0
default	10:49:36.385610-0300	alacritty	window TUINSWindow 21d35 finishing close
default	10:49:36.385691-0300	alacritty	order window: 21d35 op: 0 relative: 0 related: 0
default	10:49:36.387279-0300	alacritty	Entering exit handler.
default	10:49:36.387303-0300	alacritty	Queueing exit procedure onto XPC queue. Any further messages sent will be discarded. activeSendTransactions=4
default	10:49:36.387348-0300	alacritty	Cancelling XPC connection. Any further reply handler invocations will not retry messages
default	10:49:36.387358-0300	alacritty	[0x6000023402d0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel()
default	10:49:36.387768-0300	WindowManager	Connection invalidated | (51709) Alacritty
default	10:49:36.387371-0300	alacritty	Exiting exit handler.
default	10:49:36.387383-0300	alacritty	XPC message reply connection invalidated (client likely exiting): Connection invalid
default	10:49:36.391443-0300	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 582-550-2986342 (target:[app<>:51709]) from originator [osservice<>:550]
default	10:49:36.391588-0300	runningboardd	XPC connection invalidated: [app<>:51709]
default	10:49:36.395417-0300	runningboardd	[app<>:51709] termination reported by launchd (0, 0, 0)
default	10:49:36.395437-0300	runningboardd	Removing process: [app<>:51709]
default	10:49:36.395745-0300	runningboardd	Removing launch job for: [app<>:51709]
default	10:49:36.396958-0300	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 582-550-2986340 (target:[app<>:51709]) from originator [osservice<>:550]
default	10:49:36.397046-0300	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 582-577-2986346 (target:[app<>:51709]) from originator [osservice<>:577]
default	10:49:36.397046-0300	runningboardd	Removed job for [app<>:51709]
default	10:49:36.397087-0300	runningboardd	Removing assertions for terminated process: [app<>:51709]
default	10:49:36.397180-0300	runningboardd	Removed last relative-start-date-defining assertion for process app<>
default	10:49:36.423244-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: none (role: None)
default	10:49:36.423648-0300	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<>: none (role: None)
default	10:49:36.426544-0300	launchservicesd	Hit the server for a process handle 1e54e25c0000c9fd that resolved to: [app<>:51709]
default	10:49:36.427651-0300	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 51709 (app<>, none-NotVisible
default	10:49:36.441318-0300	loginwindow	-[PersistentAppsSupport applicationQuit:] | for app:Alacritty, _appTrackingState = 2
default	10:49:36.441396-0300	loginwindow	-[PersistentAppsSupport applicationQuit:] | App: Alacritty, quit, updating active tracking timer
error	10:49:36.504082-0300	runningboardd	RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 582-577-2986346 (target:[app<>:51709])
error	10:49:36.504121-0300	runningboardd	RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 582-550-2986342 (target:[app<>:51709])
error	10:49:36.504157-0300	runningboardd	RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 582-550-2986340 (target:[app<>:51709])

Strange that launching via alacritty from another terminal works, but the new window action fails.

Strange that launching via alacritty from another terminal works, but the new window action fails.

Those use different environments. So I recommend checking that.

mhfs commented

@chrisduerr do you mind expanding a little on what those different environments are and how to check the differences? not very familiar with this concept of mixing native apps and terminal settings.

I'm talking about env. Your system configuration is at fault here, not Alacritty. Up to you to fix that.

@mhfs I'm guessing this is because the PATH doesn't have your Homebrew bins in it when launched from the launcher.

Quickest fix:

program = "/bin/zsh"
args = ["-l", "-c", "/opt/homebrew/bin/tmux"]
mhfs commented

hey @nixpulvis, that was spot on. thank you so much for dedicating some time to a new user! ❤️

Even though it's not directly related to Alacritty, I'll leave the details below in case anyone else faces the same issue trying to configure it.

I had Homebrew being bootstrapped from .zshrc which is not sourced during login shells (the -l in the zsh args). I moved it to .zprofile which is loaded by both login and interactive shells and it worked as expected.

From the ZSH documentation:

Commands are then read from $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv. If the shell is a login shell, commands are read from /etc/zprofile and then $ZDOTDIR/.zprofile. Then, if the shell is interactive, commands are read from /etc/zshrc and then $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc. Finally, if the shell is a login shell, /etc/zlogin and $ZDOTDIR/.zlogin are read.