

donbonifacio opened this issue · 4 comments


I'm having some problems with a column of type UUID. If I use plain jdbc it states that the type is java.util.UUID, but running a query on postgres.async I get:

"No method in multimethod 'from-pg-value' for dispatch value: UUID"

I tried to implement it:

(defmethod from-pg-value java.util.UUID [oid value]
  (java.util.UUID/fromString value))

But I still get the same error, it doesn't reach my converter. Can you provide some help on this?


Here is an example of adding support for UUIDs:

(defmethod from-pg-value com.github.pgasync.impl.Oid/UUID [oid value]
  (java.util.UUID/fromString (String. ^bytes value "UTF-8")))

(extend-protocol IPgParameter
  (to-pg-value [uuid]
    (.getBytes (.toString uuid) "UTF-8")))

But UUIDs support should really be included in the library. Thanks for the bug report.

Thanks @alaisi
What about the JSON type, shouldn't it be on the lib by default?

UUID is now supported out of the box, JSON/JSONB requires adding dependency to cheshire and reading a new ns, see README.