
Dio Caching implemation in Flutter.

Primary LanguageDart

Github Repository Search

I created a program that gets information from a GitHub repository. Specifically, it looks for repositories related to "Flutter" using the GitHub API. After finding the data through the API, the app stores it in a local database for offline access. I also implemented pagination to continuously load more data.

------Swipe to Scroll--------------Sorting----------------Details--------

----------First time loading--------------------No Internet to Internet--------------------

Used Library Of This Project

  1. Provider package for State management
  2. Get It package for Dependency Injection
  3. Dio package for Network call
  4. Floor package for Local Database

Project Architecture

I used MVVM architectural pattern in this project.

Directory Structure

The following is a high level overview of relevant files and folders.

├── config
│   ├── route
│   │   └── app_route.dart
│   └── theme
│       └── light_theme.dart
├── core
│   ├── constants
│   │   └── constants.dart
│   ├── resources
│   │   └── data_state.dart
│   └── usecase
│       └── usecase.dart
├── data
│   ├── data_source
│   │   ├── local
│   │   │   ├── app_database.dart
│   │   │   ├── app_database.g.dart
│   │   │   └── repo_dao.dart
│   │   └── remote
│   │       └── dio_client.dart
│   ├── models
│   │   ├── base
│   │   │   └── repo.dart
│   │   ├── repo.dart
│   │   └── repo_response.dart
│   ├── repository
│   │   ├── article_repository_impl.dart
│   │   └── base
│   │       └── repo_repository.dart
│   └── usecase
│       ├── get_local_repo.dart
│       └── get_repo.dart
├── di_container.dart
├── helper
│   ├── app_text_data.dart
│   └── extension_function.dart
├── main.dart
├── provider
│   └── repo_provider.dart
└── ui
    ├── all_repo
    │   ├── all_repo_screen.dart
    │   └── widget
    │       └── all_repo_widget.dart
    ├── common
    │   ├── circular_image.dart
    │   ├── custom_image.dart
    │   ├── custom_widget.dart
    │   ├── loader.dart
    │   └── text_style.dart
    └── details_repo
        └── details_repo_screen.dart

Unfinished Task

  • Data Refreshing every 30 minutes
  • Write Unit & UI test case
  • Adding Flavor