
Android app in Kotlin that utilises the Reddit API to display a list of posts from the Android subreddit.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Android technical test using the Reddit API

Android app in Kotlin that utilises the Reddit API to display a list of posts from the Android subreddit.

For a repository using XML and View Binding go to android-subreddit-app-tech-test

Technologies used

  • Android SDK
  • Kotlin
  • Jetpack Compose
  • Coroutines
  • ViewModels
  • Repository Pattern
  • OkHttp interceptors - caching and logging
  • Unit Testing using Kotest
  • Retrofit
  • Dagger Hilt - Dependency Injection
  • Timber - Improved logging

Build instructions

  • Clone the repository
  • From Android Studio:
    • Open project from the folder you cloned it into.
    • From the menu select Run and then Run 'App'.
  • From the command line:
    • MacOs/Linux: ./gradlew installDebug
    • Windows: gradlew installDebug