
Method has some issue

RjMakwana2660 opened this issue · 4 comments

@override Simulation? createBallisticSimulation( ScrollMetrics position, double velocity) { // Tolerance tolerance = toleranceFor(position); Tolerance tolerance = Tolerance(velocity: velocity); final double target = _getTargetPixels(position as ScrollPosition, tolerance, velocity); if (target != position.pixels) { return ScrollSpringSimulation(spring, position.pixels, target, velocity, tolerance: tolerance); } return null; }
Method Mentioned here is having issue : toleranceFor
Mentioned Method doesnt define under the code please resolved it mentioned

**Tolerance tolerance = Tolerance(velocity: velocity);**

Which flutter version are you using?

I've got the same problem:

Flutter 3.7.6
Dart 2.19.3

**Tolerance tolerance = Tolerance(velocity: velocity);**
This fix wouldn't work as there will be rubber banding behavior when scrolling the spinner.
Can you guys try running flutter upgrade, see if it fix the issue?