
๐Ÿ”– v2.0.0

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After speaking with @blazej-czapp and receiving useful feedback, I'm looking to push out a new version that's simpler and more user-friendly.

To toss off the over-engineered code, my main goals are:

  1. Keeping the class attributes simple (i.e. no previous and current values)
  2. Adding review(quality, review_date) function and keeping first_review(quality, review_date), removing everything else.
  3. Allowing the user to input date as a string with format Year-Month-Day and other common formats.

The flow of using the package when pulling data from the database would be:

from supermemo2 import SMTwo
# first review
review = SMTwo.first_review(quality, review_date)

# after first review
# your read data from db for your existing values
# new review
# returns an SMTwo object with the new values
review = SMTwo(easiness, interval, repetitions).review(quality, review_date)