
Issue for csr_wrapper

Opened this issue · 4 comments

How to use the function of csr_wrapper to generate a output.txt file?

The wrapper is used for integration with the VOT toolkit (
To integrate the tracker the following lines should be copied into the tracker configuration file which is located in your VOT workspace:
src_path = 'E:\workspace\tracking\CSRDCF2\original-cvpr17';
tracker_command = generate_matlab_command('csr_wrapper', ...
{src_path, ...
fullfile(src_path, 'utils'), ...
fullfile(src_path, 'features'), ...
fullfile(src_path, 'mex')});

If you are not familiar with the VOT toolkit I suggest you to read the documentation: or visit the support forum:!forum/votchallenge-help

You can increase parameter "padding" in the read_default_parameters file.

Thanks Alan Lukežič. Yea, I saw it. I have tried to increase the padding value from 3 to 5, then i calculated again the EAO of data sets, some data show that EAO had increase and fps decrease. Besides that, I also try to increase the value of "nhogchan" in the get_csr_features file, do this means the number of hog features in channel weight?