Flask Product API


  • Docker


If already installed Docker on local machine, type this command on Terminal docker compose up to build and run dependencies container (postgres, redis) and app container.

Then visit localhost:8080, make sure Hello world! message appear on the screen.


This app consist of three layers: view, service, and repository

  • view, the presentation layer. Get and validate requests and response as JSON data.
  • service, the business layer. Perform business logic by getting input from view, invoke data access layer, and return the output.
  • repository, the data access layer. Perform data access to specific storage engine or databases.

Each layer will be injected and follow inversion of control. I choose this architecture to easier separate the concerns. And easy to replace the implementation of each layer. For example, if we want to replace from REST to gRPC just replace the implementation of view layer to gRPC, and vice versa for repository layer.

API Documentation

Add Product

POST http://localhost:8080/products

Request (JSON Payload)

  "name": "Product name",
  "price": 50000,
  "description": "Product description",
  "quantity": 100
Field Validation
name mandatory
price mandatory and number
quantity mandatory and number


200 OK

  "status": "ok",
  "message": "Successfully create new product."

400 Bad Request

  "status": "error",
  "message": "Fields validation failed.",
  "errors": [
      "name": "field name is mandatory."

500 Internal Server Error

  "status": "error",
  "message": "Internal server error."

List of Products

GET http://localhost:8080/products


URL Description
http://localhost:8080/products?sort_by=id&sort_dir=asc Sorting by oldest
http://localhost:8080/products?sort_by=id&sort_dir=desc Sorting by newest
http://localhost:8080/products?sort_by=name&sort_dir=asc Sorting by name (A-Z)
http://localhost:8080/products?sort_by=name&sort_dir=desc Sorting by name (Z-A)
http://localhost:8080/products?sort_by=price&sort_dir=asc Sorting by cheapest first
http://localhost:8080/products?sort_by=price&sort_dir=desc Sorting by expensive first

By default, if not sorting parameters are included. It will sort by id and sort direction to desc


200 OK

    "status": "ok",
    "message": "Successfully fetch products.",
    "data": [
            "id": 3,
            "quantity": 2,
            "price": 20000,
            "name": "Product 3",
            "description": "Desc of Product 3"
            "id": 2,
            "quantity": 10,
            "price": 50000,
            "name": "Product 2",
            "description": "Desc of Product 2"
            "id": 1,
            "quantity": 100,
            "price": 100000,
            "name": "Product 1",
            "description": "Desc of Product 1"