
course project for CSE4187 (capstone design 2) @ sogang university

Primary LanguagePython

Project TakeThis

Getting Started


  • keybert-0.5.0
  • google-api-python-client


Directory Structure

- [data].\*
- [data].json
- [data]-db.json
- course-db.json

- [data]-db.json
- career-db.json

- parse-raw-data.py
- build-course-db.py
- build-career-db.py
- refresh-cache.py

Creating DB (Optional)

[data].* -> [data].json

python3 [parse | crawl]-[data].py

[data].json -> [data]-db.json

python3 extract-data.py

Creating Signatures (Required)

you first have to obtain your private api key from cse.google.com in order to create signatures for arbitrary career keywords. For cached keywords, api is not necessary. after creating one, you should add your api key and cx into API_KEYS.txt in the root directory in the following form:


Initializing The Cache (Optional)

To accelerate the query, the cache system for preestablished career keywords is provided. to refresh the cache, type

python3 scripts/refresh-cache.py

to clean the cache, type

python3 scripts/clean-cache.sh

Querying Courses

Run takethis/main.py to query courses.

python3 takethis/main.py

Insert your career. For example:

Input Career: backend developer

The courses most relanvant to your career would show up. Enjoy!