
Could you please provide some documents or explanation of codes?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi dear author,
It's a great honor to open one issue here, truly honor. I just begin to learn computer graphics and have compiled your program successfully, but it is hard for me to read the codes, could you please provide some explanation or PPT or papers about the code to me? 👍

thank you
Best Regards with kindness

Dear William,
Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to create any more documentation than already exists (my job is a researcher, so this is not a commercial product). However, you can find the paper and a presentation here :
Kind regards,
Alasdair Newson

@WilliamWangPeng I highly recommend reading the academic paper. It is complex, but describes the algorithm thoroughly.

Dear William,
Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to create any more documentation than already exists (my job is a researcher, so this is not a commercial product). However, you can find the paper and a presentation here :
Kind regards,
Alasdair Newson

thank you dear @alasdairnewson
I will try my best to read this paper which is really high queality and worth of reading. 👍

best regards

@WilliamWangPeng I highly recommend reading the academic paper. It is complex, but describes the algorithm thoroughly.

Thank you dear @macksal
This is complex indeed, and it's really a great job in the area of rendering 💯 🥇
I will try to read it with the code.

thank you again
best regards