
How to upgrade the code to AllenNLP v1.0.0?

Neowyh opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Alasdair,

I notice that the repo does not support multi-GPU training due to it uses AllenNLP v0.9.0, which is mentioned in #6 (comment).
But what should I do if I want to upgrade the code to AllenNLP v1.0.0?
Is it enough to only change the "- allennlp==0.9.0" to" - allennlp==0.9.0" in environment.yml and just re-install the enviroment?

Thanks very much!

You can have a look at the migration guide here. I believe the biggest change is in the dataloader API. In general, you can simply try to do an upgrade (like what you said above), and if the code crashes, you can try to fix the error one by one. But I haven't tried the migration yet.

OK, Thanks very much for your reply.