Unexpected fluctuations in block propagation time
bogdanstirbu opened this issue · 1 comments
bogdanstirbu commented
System information
Network: Arrakis
Node type: `Regular’
Node name: REG_Accenture_TestNet_2_8_00
Geth version:
Geth Version: 1.7.2-stable Git Commit: 94e1e31eb6a97e08dff4e44a8695dab1252ca3bc Quorum Version: 2.0.2-Alastria Architecture: amd64 Network Id: 1 Go Version: go1.9.5 Operating System: linux GOPATH=/home/ubuntu/alastria/workspace GOROOT=/usr/local/go
OS & Version: Ubuntu 16.04 64bits
Expected behavior
Block propagation time between 0ms and 150ms
Behavior obtained
Unexpected fluctuations in block propagation time between 0ms and 11s
go2chain commented
Buenas tardes @bogdanstirbu ,
Parece que fue algo momentáneo y que el funcionamiento ahora es correcto.
Cierro la incidencia y si vuelve a ocurrir la re-abrimos!
Muchas gracias