
Include Temperature Sensors

Minius90 opened this issue · 3 comments

I have an AEG RME954F9VX french door refrigerator and thought I would give it a try. Some sensors actually work - thanks for that! Great work!

I receive: Air filter lifetime and -state, water filter flow (I think this is in liters), water filter life time and -state, defrost routine state, humidity, and main board sw version, as well as WIFI connectivity state and link quality indicator.

I wanted to ask if it is possible to add more sensors. I would be interested in three temperature sensors that can be seen in the AEG (Electrolux) app: Refrigerator temperature, the temperature of the first drawer and the freezer compartment temperature.

normally all the available sensors are added. If you have doubts, there is a python script provided by the integration

You can try it (after installing python on your system) after having modified the credentials in the script.
You should be able to see all the available features/fields reported by your appliance

Hi! Thank you very much! I also turned on debug mode and saw some values that are not available as a sensor. How can I turn them into sensors? As far as i could see, it is the data after " 'fridge': " , " 'iceMaker': " and " 'frezer': "

2024-05-03 05:46:53.982 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.electrolux_status] Electrolux updated reported data {'applianceId': '###', 'applianceData': {'applianceName': '###', 'created': '2024-04-22T20:03:28.796Z', 'modelName': 'CR'}, 'properties': {'desired': {}, 'reported': {'defrostRoutineState': 'WAIT', 'applianceInfo': {'applianceType': 'CR'}, 'fridge': {'alerts': [], 'doorState': 'CLOSED', 'fastModeTimeToEnd': 0, 'fastMode': 'OFF', 'targetTemperatureF': 37.4, 'targetTemperatureC': 3.0, 'applianceState': 'RUNNING'}, 'ui2LockMode': False, 'uiLockMode': False, 'sabbathMode': 'OFF', 'extraCavity': {'fanState': 0}, 'vacationHolidayMode': 'OFF', 'applianceMode': 'NORMAL', 'applianceMainBoardSwVersion': 'JHB10V00', 'alerts': [], 'iceMaker': {'defrostTemperatureC': -20.5, 'defrostTemperatureF': -4.899999999999999}, 'waterFilterState': 'GOOD', 'waterFilterLifeTime': 895299, 'waterFilterFlow': 39.0, 'networkInterface': {'swVersion': 'v5.4.2', 'linkQualityIndicator': 'GOOD', 'otaState': 'IDLE', 'niuSwUpdateCurrentDescription': 'A07491702B-S00008607A', 'swAncAndRevision': 'S00008607A'}, 'airFilterLifeTime': 895299, 'sensorHumidity': 47, 'freezer': {'alerts': [], 'doorState': 'CLOSED', 'fastModeTimeToEnd': 0, 'fastMode': 'OFF', 'targetTemperatureF': -0.3999999999999986, 'targetTemperatureC': -18.0, 'applianceState': 'RUNNING'}, 'airFilterState': 'GOOD', 'reminderTime': -1, 'connectivityState': 'connected'}, 'metadata': {}}, 'status': 'enabled', 'connectionState': 'connected'}

I found a solution: I changed line 39 in
from COMMON_ATTRIBUTES = ["connectivityState", "networkInterface/linkQualityIndicator", "applianceMode"]
to COMMON_ATTRIBUTES = ["connectivityState", "networkInterface/linkQualityIndicator", "applianceMode", "fridge/targetTemperatureC", "iceMaker/defrostTemperatureC", "freezer/targetTemperatureC", "fridge/doorState", "freezer/doorState"]

works now for me & can be closed