AWS Services Inventory Script


This Python script provides a comprehensive inventory of various AWS resources owned by a specific user. It lists EC2 instances, RDS instances, ECS services, EBS volumes, S3 buckets, security groups, key pairs, and IAM roles tagged with a specific owner tag value. The script generates individual text files for each resource type as well as a consolidated file containing all the information.


  • Python 3.x
  • Boto3 library
  • AWS CLI configured with appropriate credentials and default region
  • An environment variable OwnerTagValue set to the owner tag value for filtering resources


  1. Ensure Python 3.x is installed on your system.
  2. Install the Boto3 library using pip:
pip install boto3
  1. Configure the AWS CLI with your credentials and default region:
aws configure
  1. Set the OwnerTagValue environment variable to the desired owner tag value:
export OwnerTagValue="YourOwnerTagValue"


Run the script using Python:


The script will generate the following files in the current directory:

  • my_ec2_instances.txt: List of EC2 instances tagged with the specified owner tag value.
  • my_rds_instances.txt: List of RDS instances tagged with the specified owner tag value.
  • my_ecs_services.txt: List of ECS services tagged with the specified owner tag value.
  • my_ebs_volumes.txt: List of EBS volumes tagged with the specified owner tag value.
  • my_s3_buckets.txt: List of S3 buckets tagged with the specified owner tag value.
  • my_security_groups.txt: List of security groups tagged with the specified owner tag value.
  • my_key_pairs.txt: List of key pairs tagged with the specified owner tag value.
  • my_iam_roles.txt: List of IAM roles tagged with the specified owner tag value.
  • [timestamp]_all_my_instances_services.txt: Consolidated file containing all the above information.


The script logs its progress and any errors encountered to both the console and a file named aws_services.log in the current directory.


  • The script assumes that the resources are tagged with a tag key Owner and the corresponding value is set in the OwnerTagValue environment variable.
  • Ensure that the AWS credentials used have the necessary permissions to list and describe the resources.


Albert Leng