[Question] Is this how I use it to hunt from a public key?
FeatureSpitter opened this issue · 4 comments
FeatureSpitter commented
I have a public key in the file "pkey.pub":
That can be extracted from P2PK scripts
ScriptPubKey (ASM)
OP_PUSHBYTES_65 04a9c9c642db794(...)00e726368d6ec7c1
For 256GB of RAM, is this the right command to hunt for this key?
./keyhunt -m bsgs -f pkey.pub -t 128 -s 10 -R -c btc -B random -S -q -n 0x400000000000 -k 8192
Any optimizations you could suggest?
albertobsd commented
make your own test
FeatureSpitter commented
Where can I find a public bitcoin key that I can compute in less than the universe time?
albertobsd commented
puzzles already solved, test keys on the documentation examples, generate a random keys and give the program some "small" range maybe some 65 to 70 bits.
There are different approach to test your own setup.
FeatureSpitter commented
Got it. Thanks!