
Scrollbar bug caused by scrollintoView()

henryruhs opened this issue · 5 comments

  1. A carousel that is using scrollIntoView() that cannot be deactived
  2. A Optiscroll on top of that carousel

Please checkout this fiddle:

Comment in the last line to enable the weird scrollbar bug.

You now can enable and disable one of the following inline styles with Firebug and the bug disappears. {
    bottom: -13px;
    overflow: scroll;
    right: -13px;

Update: It seem like the margin on .pf-item-overview is causing this issue!

Please checkout this fiddle:

Any idea how Optiscroll can prevent issues with such a buggy / negative scroll offset?

Apparently, scrollIntoView scrolls the main element up weirdly, even if it has overflow: hidden.
By adding this line after calling scrollIntoView you can revert the hidden scroll position back to 0:

document.getElementById('scroll').scrollTop = 0;

I would be curious to know why browser internal method feels the need of moving the container's scroll up... Moreover, it looks like it is doing it recursively: also JSFiddle page moves up 😕
Really weird.

Haha, well I spend hours to point out what is going on here, thanks for the suggestion.

Ok, I will close this one because there is nothing Optiscroll could do to prevent it.

Thank you, the scrollTop fix worked for my project...

Nice 😉