
not an issue ..

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi Alberto,
I have many MSS710 switch to command but as it is in local network i cannot connect to internet, is there a protocol out there that allows to command switches directly sending command to the device IP using pre-configured packet ?
I also notice console Rx/Tx/G pin on those devices can i use it to setup wifi ssid/passwd and ip. I want simple stuff not going out of the lab network.

Hi NSP-0123456,
As far as I know, there is not any full-offline implementation that allow user to interact with Meross devices.
But you can send MQTT messages to your Meross devices to control them. So, if you host a MQTT broker on your network, you can control your devices offline.

You can find the list off MQTT messages here :

Hi @NSP-0123456 ,
I'm afraid I'm not able to support you in hacking the device at hardware level. This app works by exploiting the SW layer.