
high level mindustry logic language

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Run Unit Tests

statically typed high level mindustry logic language


pip install mlogpp


python -m mlogpp <file(s) to compile> [options]


  • -o:f, --output-file - output to file
  • -o:s, --output-stdout - output to stdout
  • -o:c, --output-clip - output to clipboard (default)
  • -v, --verbose - output more information
  • -l, --lines - print line numbers when output is stdout
  • -a, --assembly - compile as mlog++ assembly
  • -V, --version - print version and exit


Hello, World:

Block message1
print("Hello, World!")

Prints Hello, World!


const x = 5
const let y = "constant"
const num a, b
a = 5
b = 3

For loops:

for (num i = 1; i < 11; i += 1) {
    if (i < 10) {
        print(", ")

Block message1

Prints 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


for (i : 1..5) {
    print(i + 1)
    print(" ")

Block message1

Prints 2 3 4 5


function length(num x, num y) -> num {
    return sqrt(x * x + y * y)

print(length(3, 4))

Block message1

Prints 5

Memory cell access:

Block cell1, message1
cell1[0] = 10

Prints 10


ucontrol.move(@thisx, @thisy)

Makes all @mega units move to the processor


num a = 0

# use let for type inference
let b = 0

function test(num x) {
    let a = x
    b = x


print(" ")

Block message1

Prints 0 10


Block message1

struct Vec2 {
    num x
    num y
    static size = 2
    static get_size() {
        return Vec2::size
    function increase_x(self, num n) {
        self.x += n

let vec = Vec2(10, 20)


# static properties can be accessed
# using `.` from an instance
# or using `::` from the type

vec.y += vec.size + Vec2::get_size()

print(" ")


Prints 15 24


${LOOP_LENGTH = 2 + 3}

i = 0
    i += 1
    :loop_start (i < ${LOOP_LENGTH})

Block message1

Prints 1 2 3 4 5

Longer examples can be found in examples/


  • variables
    num x = 1
  • type inference
    let x = 2
  • constants
    const x = 2
    const num y = 3
    const let z = 5
  • types
    • num, str
    • Block, Unit,
    • BlockType, UnitType, ItemType, LiquidType,
    • Controller, Team
  • comments
    # comment
  • memory cell access
    cell1[0] = cell1[1]
  • functions
    function f(num x, num y) -> num { return x + y }
  • subcommands
    ucontrol.move(1, 2)
  • if / else
    if (a == b) { print("a") } else { print("b") }
  • while loops
    while (a > b) { b += 1 }
  • for loops
    for (num i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) { print(i) }
  • ranges
    for (i : 5) { print(i) }
  • break / continue
  • native functions
  • constants
    const VALUE = 30
  • inline python subset
    ${x = 7 ^ 2}
    print(${y = x // 2})
    ${"cell" + x}[0] = y
  • output from builtin functions directly to new variables (can be constants)
    ulocate.building(core, true, x: num, y: num, building: const Block)
  • structures with inheritance
    struct Vec2 { num x, y }
    struct Vec3 : Vec2 { num z }
  • colors for effects
    effect.hit(x, y, %_35adc8)

Native functions:

  • read result, cell, position

    • Read data from cell at position to result
  • write data, cell, position

    • Write data to cell at position
  • draw operation, arg0 ... arg5

    • Add a draw operation to the draw buffer
    • Operations:
      • clear red, green, blue
      • color red, green, blue, alpha
      • stroke width
      • line x1, y1, x2, y2
      • rect x, y, width, height
      • lineRect x, y, width, height
      • poly x, y, sides, radius, rotation
      • linePoly x, y, sides, radius, rotation
      • triangle x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3
      • image x, y, image, size, rotation
  • drawflush display

    • Flush the draw buffer to display
  • print message

    • Add message to the draw buffer
  • printflush message

    • Flush the draw buffer to message
  • getlink result, n

    • Put the nth link to result
  • control command, block, arg0 ... arg2

    • Control block
    • Commands:
      • enabled block, enabled
      • shoot block, x, y, shoot
      • shootp block, unit, shoot
      • config block, configuration
      • color block, red, green, blue
  • radar filter0 ... filter2, sort, block, order, result

    • Find a unit near block and store it in result
    • Filters:
      • any
      • enemy
      • ally
      • player
      • attacker
      • flying
      • boss
      • ground
    • Sort:
      • distance
      • health
      • shield
      • armor
      • maxHealth
  • sensor result, block, parameter

    • Get parameter of block and store it in result
  • op operation, result, op0, op1

    • Perform a mathematical operation
    • Operations:
      • Basic: add, sub, mul, div, idiv (integer division), mod, pow, lessThan, lessThanEq, greaterThan, greaterThanEq, max, min, abs, log, log10, floor, ceil, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, equal, notEqual
      • Bitwise: shl (shift left), shr (shift right), or, and, xor, not
      • Special:
        • strictEqual - doesn't coerce types
        • land - logic and
        • angle - angle of vector
        • len - length of vector
        • noise - simplex noise
        • rand - random number
  • wait time

    • Wait time seconds
  • lookup type, result, id

    • Look up type by id
    • Types:
      • block
      • unit
      • item
      • liquid
  • end

    • End the program
  • jump position, condition, op0, op1

    • Jump to position if condition is met
    • Conditions:
      • equal
      • notEqual
      • lessThan
      • lessThanEq
      • greaterThan
      • greaterThanEq
      • strictEqual
      • always
  • ubind type

    • Bind next unit of type type and store it in @unit
  • ucontrol command, op0 ... op4

    • Control the bound unit
    • Commands:
      • idle
      • stop
      • move x, y
      • approach x, y, radius
      • boost enable
      • pathfind
      • target x, y, shoot
      • targetp unit, shoot
      • itemDrop to, amount
      • itemTake from, item, amount
      • payDrop
      • payTake takeUnits
      • mine x, y
      • flag value
      • build x, y, block, rotation, configuration
      • getBlock x, y, type, building
      • within x, y, radius, result
  • uradar filter0 ... filter2, sort, ___, order, result

    • Same as radar, except block is replaced by @unit
  • ulocate type, arg0 ... arg2, outx, outy, found, building

    • Locate block of type type
    • Types:
      • ore ___, ___, oreType
      • building group, enemy, ___
      • spawn ___, ___, ___
      • damaged ___, ___, ___
    • Building groups:
      • core
      • storage
      • generator
      • turret
      • factory
      • repair
      • rally
      • battery
      • reactor
  • mathematical functions (replacement for op):

    • mod
    • pow
    • and, or, xor, not
    • max, min
    • abs
    • log, log10
    • ceil, floor
    • sqrt
    • sin, cos, tan
    • asin, acos, atan