TripleO os-collect-config

This role is used for configuring os-collect-config on deployed servers to integrate them into a TripleO deployment using the "Deployed Server" functionality. This is documented at


This role requires a working TripleO undercloud, and requires the overcloud nodes to be configured have a repository with python-heat-agent and os-collect-config available

Role Variables

undercloud_command_host This is the host that you wish to run the commands to obtain the information from the heat stack. It defaults to the first host in the group "undercloud". If you have the appropriate python-openstack client tools on your local machine, this could be set to localhost. undercloud_creds_command This is the command that is run before all commands to interrogate the heat stack, in order to authenticate to the undercloud sucessfully. It defaults to "source /home/stack/stackrc" which is typical when running on an undercloud host. If you have os-cloud-config configured correctly, this could be set to 'export OS_CLOUD=undercloud' or something similar tripleo_server_node_index This is a variable which needs to be declared on each host and matches that server to the index in the TripleO deployment. This number should be unique across each group of servers with the same tripleo_server_role tripleo_server_role This is a variable which needs to be decalred on each host and matches that server to it's role in the TripleO roles file.

Example Playbook

The following is an example of an ansible inventory (inventory) and a playbook against that inventory to set things up. Note that the playbook will block and keep looping until a tripleo stack reports the correct data needed for the playbook to work. So you can either kick off a TripleO deploy before running this playbook, or while it's running and awaiting for the data to be available.

[undercloud] ansible_become=true ansible_become_user=stack

controller-0 tripleo_server_node_index=0 tripleo_server_role=ControllerDeployedServer
controller-1 tripleo_server_node_index=1 tripleo_server_role=ControllerDeployedServer
controller-2 tripleo_server_node_index=2 tripleo_server_role=ControllerDeployedServer
compute-0 tripleo_server_node_index=0 tripleo_server_role=ComputeDeployedServer
compute-1 tripleo_server_node_index=1 tripleo_server_role=ComputeDeployedServer
compute-2 tripleo_server_node_index=2 tripleo_server_role=ComputeDeployedServer

- hosts: overcloud
    - ansible-role-tripleo-os-collect-config



Author Information

Graeme Gillies