
docs are not built on RTD for a PR

Closed this issue · 9 comments

The "Build pull requests for this project " (under Advanced Settings on Read the Doc) should be enabled for alchemlyb. The corresponding webhook/integration should be enabled.

See also alchemistry/alchemtest#54

The setting is checked on RTD but something isn't working with the integration.

Please see

You can also try rsyncing the webhook. On RTD go to the alchemtest project -> Admin -> Integrations: GitHub incoming webhook: Resync webook

This integration is being managed automatically by Read the Docs. If it isn't functioning correctly, try re-syncing the webhook:

When I try it, I get an error

Webhook activation failed. Make sure you have the necessary permissions.

Could someone with admin permissions on the alchemistry org please try that, e.g. @davidlmobley @dotsdl ?

@dotsdl would you mind helping debugging the reason why we don't get docs built on RTD? PR reviews with doc changes (basically, all of them because we insist on documentation) are a lot easier when we can see the docs as well. Thank you!

👋 @dotsdl if you add me (mmh) to the RTD project I can take a look at this, I recently fixed this issue in openmmtools

Added! Thank you for your help in maintaining these pipes @mikemhenry. Looking at this now as well.

@davidlmobley, @mrshirts, or @jchodera, would you mind adding me as an org Owner for alchemistry? @mikemhenry and I suspect (though aren't completely sure yet) that our ReadtheDocs issues are due to not having org-level OAuth permissions in place for ReadtheDocs, and I can't adjust these without the org-level Owner role.

Awesome, thank you @davidlmobley! I accept that with great power comes great responsibility here.

See commentary in #195: we now have org-level authorization for ReadtheDocs that allows RTD to include a PR check linking to the doc build. Webhooks for both alchemlyb and alchemtest are working as expected.

Thanks to @mikemhenry for invaluable help in untangling this. Sorry for the long delay @orbeckst!