
Alchitry Labs 1.2.5 - Vivado build log not displaying

mdlougheed opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm using AL 1.2.5 with Vivado. During the build, any Vivado log messages are not downing in the AL log pane. I even introduced a deliberate error in the XDC constraints file. Is there a setting in AL, or Vivado that can used to display the build log?


harvv commented

confirmed on Windows (10 x64) with both x64 versions of Java JDK 8 u221 and OpenJDK 16. (with AL 1.2.6)
using Vivado 2018.3.
(versions of Vivado 2020.x completely hang apparently, also with no output)

I've been unable to reproduce this with 2020.2 on a fresh Windows 10 install. I "think" it might be due to Windows security or other virus software stopping Vivado from running.