
daylight savings time: wrong event positioning after update

Closed this issue · 1 comments

In countries that make use of daylight savings time there is a strange behaviour when moving events around the legal time change.

Steps to reproduce:

Try to move (drag & drop, or edit modal) "Event 1" from Sat 30 03:00 - 04:00 to Sun 31 03:00 - 04:00.

The new event will be placed on the previous cell (02:00 - 03:00).

Also Event 2 is reporting correct dates, but wrong position.

Tested with Italy's daylight savings (31/03/2024 at 02:00 AM).

Thx for pointing this out

  1. For the issue related to the exact hour switching from summary/standard time, I havent find a proper way to fix it. I can see it also in other calendar packages. For example in this react big calendar you cannot add an event from 1-2 AM 31/3/2024. It has to be 1-3 and more. Basiaclly there is no 2AM in that day.
  2. In the day where summer/standard switch occur, there is kinda of missing 1h, which makes the event placed on previous cell. This is a bug, and should be fixed in #352