
Feature Request: Usage of "Alexa Web API for Games"

Closed this issue · 3 comments

First of all many thanks for this awesome skill!

This stupid address bar is the only thing, which would be great to get rid of. Since I am a developer myself (unfortunately only for SAP stuff) I was researching a lot to find a solution for that.

However, the only thing I found was the "Alexa Web API for Games"

Do you think, we could use this, to display the dashboard (at least for the https Nabu Casa site)?

I wish I would understand this whole skill development better and could help.

Many thanks in advance for checking.

Thanks a lot for sharing! I think the API looks quite promising on the first glance and will definitely try it out. Unfortunately, I am currently very busy and I don't think this will change until Christmas. Hence I am not sure when I'll have a look at this. But I'll keep you updated on my findings!


I adapted the skill to use the "Alexa Web API for Games", which was actually fairly easy. Here is the result:

The setup is essentially the same: just replace the "" with the code from above (and adjust the "DASHBOARD_URL" accordingly). The only real difference is that you'll need to also activate the "Alexa Web API for Games" option in the "Interface" menu (just as in step 17):

Unfortunately, the skill does not work as expected. When I try to open my dashboard, the skill shows the Home Assistant loading screen indefinitely. It also doesn't work when I change the DASHBOARD_URL to "" for example (there I only get a white screen). For static HTML pages on the other hand, the skill works very well. I suspect this has something to do with the Restrictions of the HTML environment of the Alexa Web API for Games.


Maybe we will find a different solution one day.
I hope Amazon will "open" the echo devices a little bit in future.

Thank you very much for testing it!