
Port to M5Stack Core

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I've been wondering how difficult this project would be to fork for the ESP32 M5Stack Core (Basic/V1 - with 3 physical buttons at bottom) as it uses the ili9342 for it's built in display, has built in 1W audio and SD card storage.
The keyboard would need work to be used over Bluetooth with a HID library (I believe there might be a standard one from Espressif) , however the initial goal would be just to get a demo game or slideshow working that requires no input aside from the load command, and/or the 3 buttons at the bottom could be used for common commands.
As a proof of concept, as I've not worked on projects for ESP32 this complex, is it easy to disable audio and input and just enable the display to at least get the ball rolling or is there a config or other compatibility issue between the ESP8266 and ESP32 I'm not aware of?
Thank you!

Hi. Code is very esp8266 specific in the display part. There are many access to the spi registers. esp32 is much more powerful and the code can be greatly simplyfied but you need to rewrite a big deal of code. Not recommended in my opinion if you are looking for a quick and dirt port.