Composite Video Output
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi. I know this is an old project but I just stumbled across it recently and would love to build the unit in a spectrum housing with a composite video output using an RCA jack instead of the internal LCD display. Would it be possible, use less or more parts? I would appreciate any help. Thank you!
hi. there are projects to output b&W composite video with esp8266, but i never managed to get them to work. you should look for esp32 emulators. there is at least one able to do what you want and more.
I see. I just have an esp8266 and don't want it to go to waste being unused but thanks for your reply.
Look what I found. I really have no idea how to implement this on your project but I'm hoping you might be able to use this and add composite video.
Not enough memory for the frame buffer on top of all other requirements of the emulator