
Monorepo including medusajs 2.0 backend and storefront

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Medusa logo Railway logo

Prebaked medusajs 2.0 monorepo (backend + postgres + redis + storefront)
one-click deploy on railway!

Combine Medusa's modules for your commerce backend with the newest Next.js 14 features for a performant storefront.

PRs welcome! Discord Chat Follow @medusajs

About this boilerplate

This boilerplate is a monorepo consisting of the officially released MedusaJS 2.0 backend and storefront application. It is a pre-configured, ready-to-deploy solution, modified for seamless deployment on railway.app.

Updated: to version 2.0.1 šŸ„³

Preconfigured 3rd party integrations


local setup

Video instructions: https://youtu.be/PPxenu7IjGM

  • Install dependencies using either:
    • npm i
    • pnpm install (now supported!)
  • Rename .env.template -> .env
  • To connect to your online database from your local machine, copy the DATABASE_URL value auto-generated on Railway and add it to your .env file.


  • postgres database (will be automatically generated if using railway template)
  • redis (will be automatically generated if using railway template)


cd backend/ npm run dev or pnpm dev will start the backend (and admin dashboard frontend on localhost:9000/app) in development mode. pnpm build && pnpm start will compile the project and run from compiled source. This can be useful for reproducing issues on your cloud instance.


local setup

Video instructions: https://youtu.be/PPxenu7IjGM

Install dependencies npm i Rename .env.local.template -> .env.local


  • A running backend on port 9000 is required to fetch product data and other information needed to build Next.js pages.


cd storefront/ npm run dev will run the storefront on uncompiled code, with hot-reloading as files are saved with changes.

Useful resources