
Generate a new certificate when a host is added to a project

qbi opened this issue · 3 comments

qbi commented

Recently I wanted to add a domain to a already existing project. I did:

  1. eotk genkey
  2. Entered the output from above to oldproject.conf. A line like hardmap secrets.d/OUTPUT domainname.
  3. Issued eotk config oldproject.conf
  4. eotk restart oldproject

I was able to use the onion servie, but got a warning about the certifificate. The certificate just used the old onion service name, but not the newly created ones.

I'd have expected that running config also creates a new certificate. Could this be changed or is it intentional?

Ooh, that's a good idea. I will have to think about how to do it in the least annoying way.

I think you are right that config should make new certificates, but only upon significant change.

the current mechanism exists to minimise the amount of time spent playing certificate whackamole

needs revisiting