
Installation Question - Please

tlel opened this issue · 1 comments

tlel commented

I am so not a techie and appreciate any help that you may have to offer.
Wish to setup an existing website with an onion address.
And first please let me say - alec muffett, thank you for this!

Computer - MacBook running 10.12.6 with a touchbar
Software - Installed Xcode 8. Installed Homebrew.

Tried to accomplish install using a mixture of How-To_install doc and youtube video.
Everything went groovy until the vi xxxx.conf > set project and hardmap secrets.d...
Now I'm stuck there with all the tilds and can't get back to the $
So, I check the net and what I thought I read is that I am now in Insert mode and I have to get back to Command mode, and to hit ESC key to do that. Hit ESC on my touchbar and nothing (but frog error sounds :)


  1. Is that what I have to do - get from Insert mode to Command mode?
  2. If so, Any solution to my ESC not working and If not, Where I go from hanging here?
  3. Why on earth am I doing this instead of surfing right now? Okay that question is for my therapist.

Any help is very very very much appreciated.

tlel commented

Found the answer. Thank you Esqarrouth at stackoverflow.

Enter Insert Mode: press i
Exit Insert Mode: press esc, type :x

The :x did it when the touchbar esc didn't.
Yes! All rockin now.