
func New(string) (def Definition, err error) is not found

80163916 opened this issue · 2 comments

The func New(ebnf string) (def Definition, err error) is not found in packages of ebnf.go.

Did you mean this to be in alecthomas/participle instead of here?

I appreciate your response.
"" has not found “func New(string)"
package parser :19
smiLexer = lexer.Must(ebnf.New('
Keyword = "FROM" .
ObjectIdentifier = "OBJECT" Whitespace { Whitespace } "IDENTIFIER" .
OctetString = "OCTET" Whitespace { Whitespace } "STRING" .
BinString = "'" { "0" | "1" } "'" ( "b" | "B" ) .
HexString = "'" { digit | "a"…"f" | "A"…"F" } "'" ( "h" | "H" ) .
Assign = "::=" .
Comment = "--" { "\u0000"…"\U0010ffff"-"\n" } .
ExtUTCTime = """ digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit [ digit digit ] ( "z" | "Z" ) """ .
Text = """ { "\u0000"…"\U0010ffff"-""" } """ .
Ident = alpha { alpha | digit | "-" | "_" } .
Int = "0" | ( digit { digit } ) .
Punct = ".." | "!"…"/" | ":"…"@" | "["… + "\""" + ` | "{"…"~" .
Whitespace = " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" .

	lower = "a"…"z" .
	upper = "A"…"Z" .
	alpha = lower | upper .
	digit = "0"…"9" .