
Swift Package Manager

Opened this issue · 2 comments

We use your jdenticon library in our Swift project.

Now we would like to add all our dependencies with the Swift Package Manager.

Could you therefore, please, add the necessary Swift Package Manager manifest file ?
Thank you.

I can't right now but can merge a PR if you can make the change.

No worries about your time - I know how it goes :)

To support you, I made a PR with the Swift Package Manager addition.
Also, I cleaned up all Swift5 deprication warnings.
The project now works >= iO12.

As for the SPM creation, I followed the steps described here.

I am not entirely sure, but I think once you integrate my PR, you will have to tag it (as you are used to) in order to make SPM work.

Let's hope it will soon work.
Thank you very much for your support on this.