
Address editabletreeview directly :enhancement:

Jorzef opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello a suggestion could you put a function to address put in the editabletreeview directly, I improvised by copying the __get_value function in the and giving it a name called get_value. Awesome work by the way, helps a lot designing basic UI's for scientific programs that I need. Unless I'm missing something on the way the module works this would be awesome for getting values on changed cells directly.

PS: Also another question I'm using this widget as a way to have an editable table with values, any way of taking the row out of focus once a click happens outside the selected row? Again thanks a lot!

Hello @Jorzef, thanks for trying pygubu. I'm glad that is helpful to you.

PS: Also another question I'm using this widget as a way to have an editable table with values, any way of taking the row out of focus once a click happens outside the selected row?

With this do you mean clicking in the white area inside the Treeview?

Captura de pantalla de 2023-01-25 09-54-54

Alejandro A

Exactly! 😃 Also if this focusing out could send an event it would be perfect

Just saw the commits I'll try it asap. Thanks!

Well this is perfect, thank you so much for taking the time to help me with this particular issue. I'm eternally grateful for this module as it would not be possible for me to make the programs without learning tk extensively. Thank you

Thanks @Jorzef for your words 👍🏽

Alejandro A.