
Feature: Customization of the Homepage

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be great if there was some level of customization on what sections show up at the Home Page.
For instance, I wanted to get rid of the "Continue Watching" section but couldn't.

Just to hide elements or what kind of customization were you thinking of? I'd love to add more stuff, but the issue with adding more content (preferably personalized recommendations even) is that the tmdb api that is used is kind of limited. Also why'd you want to hide the continue watching?

Currently Jellyfin often doesn't often display the right content that I have begun watching or what's to be on "Next Up". It often times shows random movies or shows that it thinks I want to watch.
If at least there was a functionality to:

  • Sadly, completely getting rid of that section
  • Organize the default layout of the different sections, including the ability to turn them on/off