
Opinionated babel-preset with my favorite TC39 proposals as babel plugins and the @babel/preset-env

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Opinionated babel-preset with my favorite TC39 proposals as babel plugins and the @babel/preset-env


# make sure you have @babel/core@7 installed
npm i --save-dev babel-preset-primavera
// .babelrc
  "presets": ["babel-preset-primavera"]



My favorite because allows me a lot of sugar for .bind() and I like sweet things:

// is equivalent to:

// is equivalent to:

// is equivalent to:
func.call(obj, val)

// is equivalent to:
obj.func.call(obj, val)


var foo = object.foo ?? "default";
// is equivalent to:
var _object$foo;

var foo = (_object$foo = object.foo) !== null && _object$foo !== void 0 ? _object$foo : "default";


const obj = {
  foo: {
    bar: {
      baz: 42,

const baz = obj?.foo?.bar?.baz; // 42

const safe = obj?.qux?.baz; // undefined

// Optional chaining and normal chaining can be intermixed
obj?.foo.bar?.baz; // Only access `foo` if `obj` exists, and `baz` if
                   // `bar` exists


Mostly I found it useful for JSX, but it plays well in other scenarios as well

const Component = props => (
  <div className='myComponent'>
    {do {
      if(color === 'blue') { <BlueComponent/>; }
      else if(color === 'red') { <RedComponent/>; }
      else if(color === 'green') { <GreenComponent/>; }
let a = do {
  if(x > 10) {
  } else {


a ||= b;
obj.a.b ||= c;

a &&= b;
obj.a.b &&= c;
// is equivalent to:
a || (a = b);
(_obj$a = obj.a).b || (_obj$a.b = c);

a && (a = b);
(_obj$a2 = obj.a).b && (_obj$a2.b = c);


let result = exclaim(capitalize(doubleSay("hello")));
result //=> "Hello, hello!"

let result = "hello"
  |> doubleSay
  |> capitalize
  |> exclaim;


function test(param = throw new Error('required!')) {
  const test = param === true || throw new Error('Falsey!');


export v from 'mod';