
Future builds being provided precompiled?

Tall-Lobster opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to go along the wiki provided on the site that teaches you how to copy in SurgeScript, but it seems that it keeps references SurgeScript Versions above 0.5.0 but when I download OpenSurge, i see I have OpenSurge version 0.5.0. Does that mean i am confusing OpenSurge with SurgeScript then could someone please clarify it to me. if not please help me receive the latest version of SurgeScript



SurgeScript is the scripting language that is used in Open Surge. Open Surge is a game engine. The scripting language is independent of the game engine.

You may get the latest version of Open Surge at (currently, it's version 0.5.1). It's precompiled and it's shipped with version of the SurgeScript runtime.

Oh sorry about that thanks for the clarification