dotfiles installation script
This repo is intended to be cloned in a fresh new install of debian,refer to gists to do the initials steps. Once the base installation is ready and configured, install the required packages.
Required Packages
# Window Manager
sudo apt install xorg i3
# Themes gtk and qt
sudo apt install gnome-themes-standard adwaita-icon-theme adwaita-qt qt5ct
# Fonts and Icons
sudo apt install fonts-ubuntu fonts-font-awesome
# General Utils
sudo apt install alsa-utils hsetroot git dunst libnotify-bin scrot xclip lxpolkit
# Software
sudo apt install vim-gtk3 ranger
Optional Packages
sudo apt install psmisc htop
Install nvm and nodejs LTS since some scripts are written in nodejs see nvm install
Finally run the script
Fixing keybindings in macOS under VirtualBox
Under keyboard settings / Modifier Keys... set the following remapings:
- Caps Lock -> Control
- Control -> Command
- Option -> Option
- Command -> Control
Then after the dotfiles installation is done, do the following changes into the i3 config file:
-exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap -option caps:super
+exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap -option caps:ctrl_modifier
+exec --no-startup-id xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap
Create the $HOME/.Xmodmap
file with the following content:
clear control
clear mod4
add mod4 = Control_R
add control = Super_L