
Powershell script for Dbeaver SQL Formatter

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Powershell script for Dbeaver SQL Formatter


This script works with DBeaver 4.1.0 version


  • Save the format_sql.ps1 file on local computer
  • On SQL Formatting Preferences, set External Formatter option and check the "Use temp file" option
  • Paste the following code on "Command Line" field, replacing the "" with the full path where the file format_sql_.ps1 file was saved, e.g. "C:\temp\format_sql.ps1"
powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -File <Path>/format_sql.ps1 ${file}


This is a initial script version, some SQL keys isn't included. Please give your feedback on e-mail aleonello@gmail.com