Reportcard is an application that is designed to help teachers gather information about school districts to help them make a more informed decision about potential places to work.
Check out the front-end repo here
Check out the deployed application here
Data on school districts has been sourced from the US Census, the National Center for Education Statistics, and the Urban Institute's Education Data Portal.
The following endpoints are exposed, and all endpoints begin with this base URL: , and all Graphql endpoints respond to POST /graphql requests only. Query information will need to be sent in the body of the request.
- Fork and clone the repo to your local machine with SSH:
- Install gems and dependencies:
bundle install
- Set up your machine's local database:
- Drop current db with rails db:drop
- Create the db with rails db:create
- Migrate the db with rails db:migrate
- Run the rake task with rails csv_load:districts
- THEN you can run rails db:seed
rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}
- Run test suite:
bundle exec rspec
- Start up your local server:
rails s
- Visit the endpoint url
to consume the API locally.
Alex Boyd
Drew MacNicholas
Ben Silverstein
Maia Cochran
Eddie Rodriguez
Patrick Becker