
Installation step 5 is highly confusing

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The fifth step in the installation instructions is very confusing for three reasons:

  1. The assumption about "NODE_IP_ADDR is the IP address of your node" makes a reference to "NODE_IP_ADDR" which is what? A variable? It is not mentioned anywhere else in the document and it is not clear if it should be an environmental variable, or a parameter missing in the URL given to curl or what:

To retrieve it, run the following command (assuming that NODE_IP_ADDR is the IP address of your node):

  1. The URL given to curl is and it always return the same result as it is not given any parameters that could make it different. What is going on here? My understanding is that the multiaddress should be unique

  2. Is the output from the curl / jq command supposed to be modified replacing the IP address in it with the node IP address?

I am setting up a second node and getting the same multiaddress for both despite being separate machines with different IP addresses and keys.