
Missing Vue with Twind (Unocss)

pandasoli opened this issue · 2 comments

I tried to make a Vue project with Twind using Unocss like the projects gave as examples of this.
But no success. Could you guys make a example of this using Vue pls?

ije commented

you need to add unocss option, example:

import { serve } from "aleph/react-server";
import routes from "./routes/_export.ts";

  baseUrl: import.meta.url,
  router: { routes },
  ssr: true,
  unocss: {
     test: /\.vue$/,
     presets: [ /* your unocss presets here */ ]

@ije At first it didn't work. So I took the opportunity to clean a little, the template came with a lot stuff that I don't use.
So I committed and executed again to see, and... worked so thank you so much!
(probably because the styling)

But this error keeps:

I think it would be very useful to add an example with Vue. It would help a lot <3