
Self signed certificates

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Im using Podman to deploy a stack of tools, among them is alerta. In this setup I want to use gitlab for authentication.

We run gitlab on-prem and also use our own certificates and root ca. When alerta starts it throws this errors in the log

certificate verify failed: self signed certificate in certificate chain

MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=, port=443) Max retries
exceeded with url: /.well-known/openid-configuration (Caused by SSLCertVerificationError)

I have built an image with root ca certificate bundled but it still gives this error.

Is it possible that this is the issue?

What's the full log error? There should be a filename and /or line number associated with the error message.

Hi, I got this to work with the CURL_CA_BUNDLE and REQUEST_CA_BUNDLE variables and pointing them to the correct ca file. My misstake was that when I had tried it earlier, I used the wrong file.

It's working now.